오직 예수안에서

하나님의 뜻을 실천하는 선교적 교회

다니엘 박 선교사님의 선교편지

Han Bit,

Merry Christmas!

As the celebration of the birth our LORD approaches and my time here in this beautiful city is coming to an end, allow me to share a few updates with you and let you know what things will look like in the near future.

  • This past Friday we had a celebration with some of our closest friends here.  The word "engagement" has a different meaning here than it does in our culture; here, it doesn't necessarily mean a particular duration of time, rather a one time event!  Therefore, we gathered with our friends to celebrate and "officially" be engaged!

  • This is Manav.  I've had the privilege of discipling him for the past year or so.  He has lived here all his life and had never visited this monumental landmark behind us!  Please be in prayer for his spiritual growth.  He is a kind hearted young man that is constantly and desperately seeking the "Truth".   

  • We had a baptism service celebrating 5 individuals who made a public profession of faith!

Early 2023 Plans
  • As mentioned last time, Cameron and I will be looking to serve somewhere in the Arab World (Middle East/North Africa).  With that being said, my time here in this city is coming to an end as I will be departing shortly after Christmas.  Please be in prayer for my last month here; that it will be a fruitful time, filled with great memories that glorify God.
  • We will be have our wedding ceremony on January 28th with our immediate families in North Carolina.  Following that, we will have reception parties in Michigan and North Carolina respectively. Stay tuned for those dates!
  • We are aiming to attend a mandatory orientation/training with our organization the last week of March where Cameron will officially become a member.
  • Sometime in the Spring, we are hoping to visit Cameron's country of service for the past four years, where she'll be saying goodbyes and I'll be meeting her dear friends and colleagues!
Outside of that, our time will be filled with dialoguing, connecting, praying, discerning, and visiting places to find out where the LORD might want us to serve long term.  Please be in prayer for this; we need wisdom, patience, clear direction, and discernment.  We take great comfort in the fact that God is in control and he knows exactly where He wants us at!  

And as always, please let me know how I can be praying for you.For the sake of the unreached,

Daniel Park